
My mother’s sweet lullaby, soothing me to rest, taking me into a sweet peaceful sleep and rocked me into the smiling dream of angels nigh. Elements: A hammock: symbolizes of the mother’s love, mother rocking infant. Mother holds the child: nursing maternal body.

Love In Your Eye

The love in your eyes should be It’s power, its strength its courage ,it should be the ability to overcome all the odds and venerability to heal. No greater weapon is needed to change the world than the love in your eyes. No greater peace could be asked for. No greater belief could be dropped…


Inner peace is an art of creating and maintaining the tranquility of the soul to escape the chaos of the present. Peace is not easy to attain and it is not something can be found. Because peace is about being created by yourself and for others. Take the time to listen to what you hear…


The work with three simple lines depicts the kindness factor. Kindness open the eyes, minds, hearts, and notice when others are suffering. Compassion is willing to open one’s heart to others, without expecting anything in return. Extending oneself and not hesitate to help people in need, lighten others’ burden of pain and suffering. Do not…


Centuries ago, the term “slavery” was used as the bondage of humans for forced labor purposes. Now in the 21st Century, modern day slavery continues in many forms across the globe. The term is used with various meanings amongst advocacy groups, such as debt bondage, chattel slavery, forced labor, sexual slavery and human trafficking. In…

Women Traits

Women’s true beauty radiates from within. Although superficial beauty ideals have changed throughout time, it is the innermost qualities that are sustaining. Human beings tend to be obsessed with outer beauty or outer selves more than inner beauty or inner selves. To possess these good traits outlined in the artwork would increase the experience of…

Anh Bang – Composer

In the painting of “Musician Anh Bang – A Life for Music” it is a combination of 200 song’s titles that he composed. By using these titles, the artist arranges and creates the facial portraits of the late composer. Element: On the right side of the composer’s face, it is part of the beloved S-shaped…

Flame of Hope

Lyrics by Nguyen Duc Quang Flame of Hope is an integration of the lyric and music of the song “Viet Nam Que Huong Ngao Nghe” Wrote by Nguyen Du Quang into an Impressionistic Calligraphy painting. The ideas and the power expressed in the lyrics inspire the calligraphy painter Chau Thuy to create the brush pen…

Tam Dao

Tâm is the “Seed” and Đạo is the “Way”. Together Tam-Dao forms one’s character and defines one’s action. It is not only who you are but it is also what you do that will define you. For peace to be feasible, it begins with you. You must nurture the seed of understanding and compassion. For…